Canterbury Way

The Canterbury Way “group” began about twenty years ago at St. Alban’s.  It was started by a handful of our church’s men who wanted to meet once a week early in the morning before heading off to work, and pray together, discuss scripture using lectio divina, and read a spiritually thought-provoking book they would read together and discuss.  St. Benedict was the starting point.

Over the years, the group has changed due to some participants moving away and some dying, but the essence of the weekly morning gathering remains.  The gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday is read using lectio divina and discussed.  Prayers are shared. And a book that the group selects is read and discussed.

If you are not afraid to start thinking at 7:00AM.  If you are not afraid to share your thoughts on various topics, some light and some heavy, join the Canterbury Way group, now meeting on Wednesday mornings in St. Alban’s library. 

Additional Ministries

Altar Guild

Daughters of the King



Pastoral Care
