
As a congregation, everyone at St. Alban's enjoys a chance to come together in fellowship.   We host a variety of opportunities each month including coffee hour,  brotherhood meetings, ladies nights, meals, and even a weekly card club!  We invite everyone in our community to join us as we gather in friendship and love.

Coffee Hours

Coffee hour is an important way for St. Alban’s folks to connect and visit with each other following worship services.  Volunteers sign up for after-church coffee and snacks which in turn leads to conversation and connections within our St. Alban’s community.  Coffee hour is also a great way to make visitors and newcomers feel welcome.

Pot Luck Lunches

St. Alban's members regularly come together to break bread and enjoy fellowship with each other.  We have a parish-wide potluck lunch every fifth Sunday during the year.  The tables in Cobb Hall are filled with parishioners eating delicious food prepared by our members.  

Gatherings & Meals

We also have other opportunities for coming together to share meals and fellowship such as Shrove Tuesday when our youth help prepare a pancake supper. We also enjoy Famous Chicken Bog and Wine & Cheese Nights.

The Brotherhood

Men of St. Alban’s come together every third Thursday of the month to share a meal.  As a group, they often prepare breakfast biscuits to share after Sunday services, as well as sharing their cooking talents during our potluck lunches! This special group of men can always be counted on to help out in any way.

Ladies Night

Ladies of St. Alban’s gather every fourth Thursday evening of the month for fellowship.  They bring snacks to share as they enjoy conversation and connecting with each other. They may share books, recipes, and news of family and friends.

St. Alban's Card Club

We welcome all seniors (ages 10-110) to join our St. Alban’s Card Club.  We usually play the card game “Hand & Foot”, but we have other games too.  We play on Monday and Thursdays afternoons from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at Cobb Hall

There is a great group of regulars and you do not have to be a member of St. Alban’s to come and join us.  If you do not know how to play, we will teach you!


There is a $5 monthly fee to participate in the Card Club.  We use it to purchase our supplies, i.e., cards, shufflers, paper products, water, etc.  We also recommend $5 donation per month to the church for use of their facilities. 

We do have a wonderful time and would love the opportunity to meet you.  Please join us.