Altar Guild

The duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare all things necessary to the celebration of the Eucharist and/or any of the Sacraments and Offices of the Church.  This includes Sunday morning Liturgies, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms and special services such as Christmas Eve and the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.  The preparations are done reverently and prayerfully so that all services may proceed in order and beauty to the glory of God in Jesus Christ.

Most of our worship services include a celebration of the Eucharist (Communion). All baptised Christians are welcome to take part, regardless of their denomination. Those who do not wish to take the bread and wine are welcome to join participants at the altar rail to receive a blessing, if they choose.

The Altar Guild is a Ministry of Service. It is a body of deeply committed persons serving our Lord and their contribution is a devotion to the great Glory of God.

Pastoral Care

Daughters of the King



Canterbury Way
