Estill Elementary School

Through the eyes of Patty Giancola -

In gratitude to God, St. Alban's resolves to be a welcoming community, learning together and reaching out to others with God's love. 

Several members and friends of St. Alban's Episcopal Church are putting these words into action. We have agreed to sponsor Estill Elementary School, located in the South Carolina Low Country. This school has been part of our Outreach for the past five years. 

We support them with school supplies, books, and monetary contributions.  

This year, Estill asked for our help in an "Intervention Blitz" to tutor students who have fallen behind academically. It is, with faith, 

we have answered this call to help. The heart of our service is teaching, however  it can be said "we are learning". Learning how to parse out a dedicated day each week, to drive to a rural elementary school, a good distance from Lexington, and participate in this program. The goal is to close the gap of where students are academically, and where they need to be for their next grade level. We tutor several small groups of students, on a weekly basis for Math, Reading and ELA.              


As we continue to meet this call and give our time, talent, and services, we recognize our love for this community is growing in unexpected ways. It is our privilege to be part of such an endeavor. Jesus said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive", and we find that to be true.                            


If you are inclined to participate in this Outreach, please contact our administrative staff. We will be happy to talk with you.  If you are compelled to participate in service at your local school or library, contact them directly for ways in which to get involved.          

Estill Elementary School

318 4th Street, PO Box, Estill, SC 29918

Phone 803-625-5030| Fax 803-625-2373

Altar Guild

Daughters of the King




Canterbury Way